Why do they do this
I’m “Live A Live” by the way. I change my display name on MSN almost daily because I’m insane.
[19:00:14] Live A Live: why the motherfuck where they playing the muppet show in tokyo kid
[19:00:50] Rah: …
[19:00:56] Rah: What
[19:01:04] Live A Live: I am not even fucking kidding
[19:01:36] Rah: What
[19:01:39] Rah: D:
[19:01:42] Live A Live: ok it wasn’t the muppet show. it was one of the movies. same diff
[19:02:24] Rah: That’s still WTF
[19:05:14] Live A Live: When I first walked in
[19:05:22] Live A Live: I heard English coming from the TV
[19:05:47] Live A Live: I already noticed the Asian guy wasn’t there, so i figured the person behind the counter jsut wanted play animu dubbed
[19:05:50] Live A Live: but then when I looked
[19:05:54] Live A Live: muppets
[19:06:29] Rah: Werid
[19:06:41] Live A Live: People had chairs
[19:06:47] Live A Live: they sat down in front of some DVDs
[19:06:49] Rah: What
[19:06:50] Live A Live: and were watching it
[19:06:59] Rah: WTF
[19:07:08] Live A Live: This is all totally true mind you
[19:07:20] Rah: …
[19:07:28] Rah: I don’t even know anymore
[19:11:33] Live A Live: I mean
[19:11:38] Live A Live: I’d kind of unerstand if it was say
[19:11:44] Live A Live: Pirates of the Caribbean
[19:11:47] Live A Live: or Star Wars
[19:11:52] Live A Live: or something kinda sorta… geeky?
[19:11:57] Live A Live: But the fucking muppet show
[19:12:14] Rah: Do you like
[19:12:18] Rah: the muppet’s
[19:12:25] Rah: *muppets
[19:12:26] Live A Live: Sure,
[19:12:28] Live A Live: when I was like
[19:12:29] Live A Live: 8
[19:12:43] Rah: haha
[19:12:56] Live A Live: or fucking 7
[19:13:02] Live A Live: I’m not some adult who sits down
[19:13:08] Live A Live: and watches the fucking muppet movie
[19:13:11] Live A Live: in an anime store
(this exchange has been edited)