Dengeki Hime Navel Special Volume 2

Nuthin’ much but pictures here. It’s all after the jump.

I ordered the second Dengeki Hime Navel special right before I went back home for the holidays (this time without a heated round of auction battles.) This one is good, real good. Pics with Witty Commentary™ follow.

The magazine bit, the part I’m least concerned with. I can’t read it anyway. Well, I could try, but it’d be oh so embarrassing. I haven’t yet taken a detailed look through it, but it has some hawt ero CGs from the game, which is why it has an 18+ thing on the cover.

The Primula pillowcase, the part I really wanted. I think I may alternate between Kaede and Primula, depending on my mood. This one certainly is a tighter fit around the pillows. Perhaps that is intentional given Primula is, well, you know, young. Too bad she’s not naked. I mean, the mag is 18+, why not go all the way? Oh well…

Boxers. Yes, cute kitty boxers. Manly, right? I dunno I’m gonna use them or not. I think they’re kind of small anyway.

I really don’t know what this is. Some kind of bath/pool toy? If I’m reading it correct, it’s called “Shigure Asa’s Bunny Girl Balloon.” The magazine shows some guy filling it with water… or something.

Also, not related, but I recently bought this CCS pencil board.

These things are oh so useless…

That’s it for today. If all goes well, comic this weekend, if school’s giant manly penis doesn’t penetrate my virgin ass too hard. God, 3D Design…