Month: December 2006

Comic Status

Don’t expect one this week. I kind of wanna get my finals out of the way, and not focus on working on anything else. Once Finals Week is over, I should get back to regular comic-making....

Best of 2006

I’ll just copy and paste what I wrote on AMC....

From Japan

A Japanese blog talks about my interview with Patrick Macias. I ran the paragraph regarding the interview through a machine translator, and from what I could gather from the mess of a translation that was produced, it seemed the blogger liked it. Could anyone with better Japanese skills than...



Progress Report

Just to prove to you all that I’m not spending my entire weekend masturbating, watching anime and neglecting to prepare for finals. Comic should be up next weekend at the latest....

Hug Pillow

I just got my pillowcase. Since I don’t have a proper body pillow, I stuffed three of my extra pillows in there, and it works just fine. Yes, I’ve “tested” it already. Heh. Anyway, pics after the jump....

Ero Ero Ero

Warning: This post is going to have a good number of NSFW images. Don’t say I didn’t warn you~ So, I played Really? Really! most of yesterday, only stopping when I got my first ero-scene. Some way or another, I ended up fucking Primula first. While I had planned...

Really? Really!

My copy of Really? Really! Limited Edition came in the mail today, and I just finished installing it. I have to say I’m really happy with what the limited edition has to offer. The binder is nice, but I’m not sure I’d use it given I’d be scared to...