Roll with the Wind

On Saturday I finally finished my short film. What’s funny about learning to make a film is the last 10%. See, because making a film is a learning project, you see every single flaw in the film. So, I had a bitch of a time trying to get the sound at all the right levels and cutting out some lines in the final edit.

Anyway, enough about me, how about you? Are you watching Kanon? Because I am. Well I’ve started. I tried watching the original series and died by the painfully bad character designs, but aparently the story is good. Right now I don’t like the remake, I love the animation, really pretty, it may make up for the painfully bad two dimensional characters that are shown in the begining. I am, hwoever, going to stick with it because it has to be good if it deserves a remake.

So, for anyone living inside a hole for the past week. A new Spider-Man trailer priemered. Good stuff, but a severe lack of venom. Luckily enough for you he is present in the conceptual trailer, which appears to have been leaked to the internet. Spider-Man is amazing because they have constantly prduced high quality adaptations of the comics, but I have no idea how they are going to come out with seven films. SEVEN films. Hell, I am happy with four. Seeing how Venom has always been the biggest threat to Spider-Man, if he comes in the third film and then finishes in the fourth I will be happy. Just no more after that.

Nintendo, convinced that it hasn’t already got enough press from E3, Tokyo Game show, every technology blog, and the New York Times has decided to launch a 200 million dollar ad campaign. Now don’t get me wrong, I am dying to get the Wii, but honestly. Nintendo will win this generation from just being creative and not just improving graphics. Even though the ads are targeted towards adults (VIDEO GAMES….ADULTS?!) I still think that New York Times article did all it needed to do to convince my dad that it was pretty “hip”.

Alright, well, that’s all I have for you right now. I’ll try to see if I can get a version of my film on the site, it takes a shit ton of time to compress (4 hours for 15 minutes) so one day I’ll stick it on here. See you in 6 days with my Wii rant.