Art: Usa Mimi
Plastic Army–Japan Front
I know THE FIRST THING that’s coming to your mind is, “But wah, you already own that Kaede figure.” And to this quite understandable query, I will reply with this–that Kaede figure was the first PVC I ever got, and as such I didn’t know how to take care...
Art Site Update: Usa Mimi
Drawing Usa Mimi
You probably can’t tell, but over the past couple of days I’ve devoted a lot of time to drawing practice. Along with that, I also approached this new piece with a different mindset–something I probably should have been keeping in mind for the past 20 years–that is, thinking in...
Art Site Update: Mimi-chan
Usa Mimi Progress
Usa Mimi
I have no idea when I’m going to colour this. Probably soon, though. I’m experimenting with defining various background elements in pencil, rather than drawing the whole background on the computer later. I feel it might make the picture seem more unified, or something. Going to go for a...