Tag: Tytania

March 2009 Anime

Casshern Sins: I’m actually starting to enjoy it as it nears the end. Kind of feels pointless, though. Clannad ~After Story~: It’s kind of gotten to the point where I really don’t care, but it’s not that bad. Still very pretty. Jigoku Shoujo Mistuganae: Episodes alternate between being very...

February Anime

Casshern Sins: After thirteen episodes of philosophical musings on what it means to live and die, the show has finally moved on to its plot-centric portion, and as such has become slightly better. I am however still mostly watching this for the background artwork, and the short but sweet...

The Fierce War of 2008: Future War 2009

With both the years 2007 and 2008 behind us, it’s time to look ahead to the glorious year of 2009! Well, not really, but there are a number of shows that have come out of 2008 incomplete, so here’s a rundown of the ones I’m watching....

January 09 Anime

Hey hey hey sup 09 what’s happenin bro Current Casshern Sins: Sins carries itself on art direction more than anything else, but the light musings on what it means to live are interesting. Casshern has also stopped being a pussy, kind of. Clannad ~After Story~: I have no idea...

December 2008 anime and manga

Current Casshern Sins: Great art direction but the writing is so boring. I’m pretty sure Casshern says JUST WHAT AM I in every fucking episode. ChäoS;HEAd: It’s always super special! I like this one a lot. Clannad ~After Story~: Hit and miss. Needs more Mei and/or baseball episodes. ef...

November 2008 Anime + Manga

Current Casshern Sins: Arty retro stuff. Sometimes boring, but mostly good. ChäoS;HEAd: Moe psychological thriller. I can dig it. Crannad ~After Story~: The first arc was great, but now it’s getting into “NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN, KEY” territory. Detroit Metal City: Hahahaha, the rapping episode. ef – a tale...

Fall 08 Impressions PART VI

Fall season review comes to a dangerously GORY, SASSY and FABULOUS end. ChäoS;HEAd Holy social commentary Godman! Talk about engrossing.This was almost the most gripping first episode of the season just short of Ga-Rei-Zero. The real selling point for this one is that the main character is an otaku,...