Tag: Tetsuwan Birdy

The Fierce War of 2008: The Forgotten Ones

In any given anime season, there are a select few shows you start on, but somewhere along the line they get lost in the shuffle. It is sometimes due to one having too much on their plate, or it can be due to slow release schedules. There are also...

September 2008 Anime

Current Chi’s Sweet Home: Pretty easy to catch up on considering each episode is only three minutes. I watch them in sets of four here and there. Code Geass R2: Oh lawd. Golgo 13: …. Hidamari Sketch x365: This show almost has the best Shinbo opening ever. Almost, since...

Summer 08 Impressions PART II

Previously… Second three! Strike Witches: My first reaction was, “Sky Girls, except better.” The characters are cuter, the setting is nicer and the fanservice is plentiful. Gonzo has really been letting me down lately, but they may have a winner here. The first episode wasn’t totally great, but this...