Oh, Xenoglossia
In episode 11 of Xenoglossia they go to a volcano to get some dumb idol core out of said volcano. In episode of 10 of Evangelion, MAGMA DIVER (the best episode ever) they fight an angel in a volcano. Episode 8 of Evangelion happens in this episode, too....
A comic about Xenoglossia
Link since wordpress shinks the image...
Another reason Xenoglossia is probably worth my time
The promotional art is so hot… Pics after the jump. They are arranged from least boner inducing to most boner inducing....
The only good thing about Xenoglossia
Yep. That’s her right there. Yukiho something or other. Don’t know much about her personality except that she’s prone to falling asleep at random and could be a Good Girl. She looks like Shiori, has big boobs and hasn’t exhibited any behavior that would make me not like...