Today is December 3rd, and you know what that means!! It’s Nagi-tan’s birthday!! She’s a little shy, but she eventually ate her cake. She did insist on the Rei cup, however. You can celebrate Nagi-tan’s birthday, too! And in many different ways! Either do it the way I did...
I’m not sure if you guys are aware of this, but there was a good episode of Hayate no Gotoku!! (the two exclamation marks mean season 2, remember?) Actually, there were a few good episodes, but this one was the funniest. If we were to compare this episode to...
Hayate, we need to have a chat–it’s about that second season of yours…
Quite frankly? It sucks. I mean that in the nicest possible way. Oh, it’s not been all that bad, but when all’s said and done, it sucks. Well, it sucks in comparison to the first season. On its own, it’s simply average–which is a huge issue, especially considering that...
August 2009
Leaving Japan in two weeks :( Bakemonogatari: I kind of wished this would be the show where Shinbo would exercise more creative control over the production (a la his older work) but this more collaborative effort between everyone (which I believe is how most SHAFTXSHINBO works are) shows just...
Plastic Army–Japan Front
I know THE FIRST THING that’s coming to your mind is, “But wah, you already own that Kaede figure.” And to this quite understandable query, I will reply with this–that Kaede figure was the first PVC I ever got, and as such I didn’t know how to take care...
Art: Nagi and Isumi
June 2009
Asura Cryin’: The entertaining part has kind of gone away and now it’s just bad. If this episode I have sitting here doesn’t blow my mind I’ll drop it, even if I am past the point of no return. Dragon Ball Kai: I guess I should feel embarrassed about...
Something is wrong with my Hayate TV cartoon: It doesn’t have a KOTOKO opening song and the jokes are missing, I want a refund.
Also, where’s my giant Gundam silhouette in the opening? Why is Elisa singing a song without Tenmon doing the instrumentals? What’s wrong with this show?! That said, when I first wrote that title (back in May 9th–it’s been busy) I was slightly more angry at this show then than...
Shitsuji Tora no Ana 4: A Hayate no Gotoku Only Event, 05/06/09
First, let us open with a story told in pictures along with some not-very-witty commentary. It took me longer than I thought it would to get there. Not too long, but longer than expected. Resulted in me arriving 30 minutes late, but I knew I was running late right...
May 2009
Asura Cryin: Moments of expert storyboarding and directing, but the writing really isn’t that stellar. Dragon Ball Kai: Wow, is Goku really getting across Snake Road in like… three episodes? Man, DBZ with all the fat trimmed is actually pretty cool, but a lot of those fillers were endearing...