[NSFW] What I’ve been working on
[NSFW] WE GOT THIS SHIT FOR FREE, MAN! Oh and I paid for this one thing.
(Note: I kind of have this mental post backlog that I’m burning through at the moment. I have time to kill so I might as well) There are nice people in this world. mt-i is one of those nice people. Out of the kindness of his heart, he offered...
Naisho No Tsubomi is some manga that got an award for being a kids comic that talked about issues like sex and “what’s going on down there” in a sensitive and educational manner. Recently, an anime adaptation was made and it was… an OVA. Now, if this was some...
Still catching up on Zettai Karen Children
Watching this raw is kind of a challenge– my Japanese sucks and this show delivers a lot of its entertainment by way of each episode’s individual plot. I can still follow the general plot points, but I miss a lot of the fine details. That’s okay, though– the real...
Dear Gonzo,
All is forgiven...
Yuuka is SO MOE
She asked for a kid’s meal… that’s so adorable....
I need the new Megami
Man, they’re seriously catering to the lolicon otaku in this one. Other highlighs include Lucky Star, Shugo Chara, Yotsunoha (the anime sucks but I’ll be damned if Nono isn’t a totally cute design), Kyouran Kazoku Nikki and Zero no Tsukaima. I’d love to have it, since my walls are...
The Hayate no Gotoku calendar has more fanservice than any Hayate Megami poster ever
Best part is they use this image for June; my birthday month. It’s like they knew all my favourite characters???...