I loved Arakawa Under The Bridge, but then I didn’t like it as much
If we lived in a perfect world, SHAFT and Shinbo Akiyuki would make shows that all centered around lolita characters in all manner of situations ranging from comedic to deadly serious. What they actually produce tends to be just as good, so I don’t make too much noise about...
Comic Update: CIA KGB FBIに共産党の陰謀よ
Original Post So yeah, here’s a comic after a month of inactivity due to me more or less finishing my last semester in college. I have one summer course after this, but honestly? I don’t even care anymore. I’d write more about this comic–this comic about PORN–if I hadn’t...
R-18 Doujinshi Review: Hitomaron’s Kagiana Gekijou Shoujo 4 & 5
If you know anything about me, you probably know that I really enjoy doujinshi. And considering the limited scope of my Japanese linguistic abilities, I enjoy simple doujinshi. Doujinshi that doesn’t require me actually having to read it. You know, porno books. But as the years have gone by,...
The extra exclamation point in Keion!! is warranted
I wouldn’t exactly label myself as a Keion! fan, but I do enjoy the series and find it to be very well executed and produced. With that said, its sequel, Keion!!, has managed to take things to a new level. It’s a subtle change–one that has brought about both...
Kyoto Animation and SHAFT are kind of similar
While this may come as a surprise, along with being a fan of the constantly-in-the-red SHAFT, I am also rather fond of the constantly-in-the-black Kyoto Animation. I will admit to liking SHAFT a smidge better–mostly due to them getting the better crop of source material–but as far as their...
Before I proceed any further, I would just like to make it clear that I am aware that this post is simply contributing to a large circlejerk in which all the participants are sad Japanophiles, and I would also like to make clear that my Japanese is still not...
Art: Zetsubou Shoujo-tachi
Click for BIG. Mostly used SAI for this one. Turned out decent, I suppose....
Grow up!
I dunno about you, but one thing I’m sick ‘n’ tired of is old guys complaining about things. I’m talking about those old guys who complain about young kids crowding the aisles of their anime cons. I’m talking about those old guys who complain about their anime not being...
Art: Such A Beautiful Girl Like You
Click for bigger. I’d be more happy with this if it wasn’t a complete copy off of this video. But it was supposed to be that, so I guess I should be satisfied....
Comic Update: わたしまだ女子高生でいたいよ
Original Post While there certainly are parody elements in Angel Beats, I find the very setting to be ironic. There was that scene in episode one where the main character was hesitating to fire his gun at the flat-chested, loli-looking Tenshi. I couldn’t help but see this as a...