One more thing about Evangelion 2.0, then I’ll shut the fuck up

Between that review I wrote a year ago and those podcasts I just put out, I should hope that this is the last I have to say about Eva 2.0. For now.

This isn’t going to be long, either. I simply want to say one thing that I’ve neglected to mention thus far, and that is: What happened to movies like these? Like, anime movies. Upon multiple viewings, I can say with some certainty now that Eva 2.0 isn’t the perfect, polished gem that I thought it was walking out of that theater in Ikebukuro on opening day, but it’s still an excellent film. It’s excellent because it is exactly what got me into anime in the first place. Yeah, I was one of those 10-year-olds in the late-90s/early 2000s who got into anime via Pokemon and Dragonball, but it was the big spectacles secured my interest in the medium. You know, them big crazy anime movies they used to make. While my tastes have matured to the point where I enjoy works that may be a touch more laid back, a movie like Evangelion 2.0 really does well to ignite a fire in my soul.

I mean, it doesn’t really take much. When I break it down, the things that blow me away in this movie are purely on a directorial and technical level. Take the final scene for example, which is really what drove it all home for me. It’s a wonderful mix of extreme, creative and beautiful imagery, along with a really acute attention to establishing tone through acting and music. Shinji hacking his way through various planes of existence while his skin gets torn off, NERV personnel spouting off exposition dramatically while looking on in horror, and the Eva doing her best Devilman impression, all matched to a rousing rendition of Tsubasa wo Kudasai. The way everything just culminates in that final scene is really mind blowing, especially the first time around.

But while I say it doesn’t really take much, I seem to remember seeing a number of other works trying their hardest to nail scenes like this, but they all fall flat. Maybe it’s just my imagination. But what I’m trying to say here–in hopefully under 500 words–is that this movie owns hard, and why don’t other anime movies own this hard? I mean, Tokikake owns really hard, but not in the same way. Is there just no market for crazy movies like these? Does the next masterpiece on the level of End of Evangelion just have to be Evangelion again? I mean, I guess there’s Gundam Unicorn… but wait, that’s Gundam.

Maybe the strengths of those franchises enables these works to occupy the godly realm that they do. I don’t know. But what do know is that I want crazy, big-budget action movies again. Actually, not even action. What I want is more super natural.

I mean, I guess I can just watch End of Evangelion again. I do finally have this lovely R2 rip, after all.