Comic Update: It was all my fault that we couldn’t go to Koshien.
Posted On December 9, 2009
In case you had forgotten, the last time we left Brad, he was stuck in a shady U-15 DVD store in the depths of Akiba. I hate subjecting the comic to continuity, but I had to find some way to bring Brad back to where the rest of the gang are. I figure if I do strike with continuity, I may as well be as out there as possible. As such, this is comic is also a part 1 of a two-part series. If I can produce a miracle, part 2 will materialize by the weekend.
The art is fine, I guess, even if the first panel is impossible. I stole some royalty free stock image for Lady Liberty.
That’s all. Later!
Love it. Quite cinematic.
That is quite funny how he travels across the world, a true vagabond.
Is that… M.D. Geist DVD?
Only Hawaiian shirts and what appears to be a passport?! It could happen.
However, he is sighing because that suitcase does not contain even one bottle of alchohol. For shame.
That passport is an MD Geist DVD.
MD Geist…
Brad is… kind of awesome. I’d almost expect him to be coming to consciousness at a campfire next to Laughing Bull.
why is there an MD Geist dvd there >.>? im sorry i guess i missed the reference or something since i never watched it, seeing as how everyone who knows about it says its horrible .__. or is this one of those you did it cause you felt like it thing.
You maniacs! You blew it up!
Just one thing.
Wouldn’t it be impossible for him to see the statue of liberty? xD I mean… New York is on the east coast, and shortest way to Japan is from the west coast…
Unless he traveled across Asia and Europe >.>
more like a plane dropped him over the atlantic on purpose