American Shopping

I was given $75 for Barnes and Noble, so after buying a new phone and depositing some living expenses into my bank account, I decided to drop by the nearby B&N to scout out what’s good in the US.

Man, everything I wanted was  expensive Viz Signature stuff. Well, that or series I have yet to complete (NHK, Karin, Hayate…) In addition to all that, I did consider buying the translated volumes of Zetsubou Sensei, as well as the Haruhi novels. They didn’t have the Haruhi novels at my local store, though. Just volume 3 of the manga. Hmm.

Also, why is Dark Horse translating Ikari Shinji Raising Project?

One thing I noticed about the manga section at this B&N was that it was a whole shelf smaller than it was before I left for Japan. Little did I know that was only the beginning of it!

Afterwords I went over to my local Best Buy with hopes of finding the first Hayate collection, only to find that the anime section had become far more depressed than it already was when I left for Dai Nippon! All of the DVDs were displayed cover forward, there was bunch of empty space, and a lot of the stuff was either sure-fire sellers or old unsold singles.

None of this felt strange, though. Neither the $10 dollar price tags on manga, or the minuscule anime DVD section. I guess I wasn’t in Japan long enough for that stuff to feel weird.

Hell, the only weird thing that happened was that I kept standing on the wrong side of the escalator.
