Comic Update: Hoppy

Original Post

Mistakes of Youth, abound with plot twists. Don’t worry, this won’t turn into Megatokyo–I just want to set the scene. Art here is pretty bad. The next comic looks kind of better.

The initial rush of joins and quits to the IRC channel have subsided, and now activity is sporadic, but happening. Feel free to join, but do take note of the rules I found I had employ over this first week. Basically, just act like an adult and everything’ll be fine. I hate to come down like some sort of Neo-Nazi, but if you’re a dumbass don’t expect me to be nice.

School, along with just adjusting to life over the past month has been a bit rough, but with Golden Week underway, I should have some time to just sit back, relax, and take in glorious Nippon. I should also have time to work on some blog posts, and just get the blog back on track–there’s lots of things I want to talk about, just no time!

But with that said, I’m going to cut this short and head to bed. Sukumizu day at Cos-Cha along with doing a bunch of Hoppy with one of the guys who runs this blog has made me rather tired.