Comic Update: so crazy japanese comics

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It certainly has been a while since I’ve done one of these! Before I address this current comic, I’ll go back a bit and leave some commentary on the previous one. The artwork turned out ok, but nothing great. I’m trying to develop a way to draw quickly, but still have things look good. As you can see, it’s a little rough, but I think it turned out fine. I’m not going to explain the joke, because it’d ruin the mystique. Once I get around to updating the long out of date reference guide, I’ll let the secret be known. Until then, just check the comments section for that comic…

This comic is also quickly drawn, and quite lazy. The idea was to make something quick to get back on my schedule of completing the comic a week before it’s due, but considering I finished this just yesterday, that plan failed. The one picture used throughout is fine, but Tina’s pose at the end is pretty bad. Her shoulders are too broad, and her head is too small and pushed in. The script is based off of something a Sophia University student said to me, so to that end this comic is based off of something someone actually said to me. Cool, huh!

In another bit of site news, Mistakes of Youth now has an IRC channel. Just as the link says, the server is and the channel is #mistakesofyouth. A bunch of other people have already joined, so it’s already quite lively!

The new anime season is off to a typical start. There are some real showers, and some really average titles. Shin Mazinger is probably the most exciting offering, and K-ON! is well done, but hasn’t really captured my interest completely yet. It’s cute, though. What’s sad, however, is the new Hayate series. It’s not bad–it’s in some ways quite good–but it lacks the energy of the former series, which is exactly what I feared. J.C. Staff is playing it pretty safe, which is fine, but there’s no real soul to it. It is nice to see the characters in animated form again–this time rendered by J.C. Staff’s expert artists–but it lacks the tension (in the Japanese sense) that made the first series great. That said, it’s only four episodes in, but it’ll probably stay this way. Truly a sad state of affairs. I still bought the new Nagi figure, though.

Anyway, that’s it. I’m going to try to make an effort to start blogging regularly again over the next week, and push out more artwork. But for now, I need to watch the first Gurren Lagann movie before I go off to see the second one tomorrow. Later!