Comic Update: ビギニング
I hate doing “plot” comics, but I need to establish them going to Japan somehow. There is however a real joke, but it’s not entirely obvious from the strip itself. The joke is that the DVD that Rets is holding is the first season of Gossip Girl. And no, Brad didn’t own Gossip Girl. He went out and bought it especially when Rets asked him for a random US TV show to watch on the plane. Because Brad holds a wicked grudge. Oh, and the other joke is the stupidly over-the-top intro.
That opening crawl was going to make explicit reference to comic 117 originally by the way, but I kind of got off track. I instead tacked a little note right at the beginning of the comic to get people back on track. It’s funnier that way, anyway.
Now for more news on the doujin. I just got word from my buddy that the doujinshi order has come in, and he’ll be shipping out all the domestic orders with all due haste. Expect them in a week or so. Overseas orders should take longer, but hang tight.
Another bit of site news is that the Otaku USA article I mentioned way back when has finally been published, after quite literally a year of delays. I write a piece which is part of a bigger feature on moé. I kind of wish they brought more guys like me in to balance out all the other somewhat negative opinions, but it’s all good.
I haven’t done much anime ranting in this space for a while, so I’ll do a bit now. Michiko and Hatchin recently ended, and it came together in just that way that I thought it would. The big thing that took me about this show was how it betrayed my expectations time and time again, but was still extremely good. It did loose some focus near the end, but the last four episodes were really solid, so it didn’t especially matter. I’ll do a more thorough review on the blog, if I get time.
Anyways, I’m going to cut it short for now. Next time I make a comic update, I’ll be doing it from Japan. With that in mind, expect a week or so of delays between comics as I get settled into my new living space. Later!
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oh god, is that gossip girls?
very nice comic, a good mix of burning manly epicness and some lol humor. Much more well-done than the last two, to the point that I don’t mind the joke being used yet again. It seems like your best comics are when you incorporate any kind of cinematic elemment, so you should do it more really.
Remember to save me a spot in your mini-fridge in case I come to visit (Note: I wont).
Yay, I really enjoy these kinds of arcs so I’m really excited about your next continuation of this comic~
Personally, I really don’t think there’s anything wrong with guys watching Gossip Girl. Heck, I know a lot of hetero guys who watch that show, it was one of them who introduced it to the tomboy-ish me. Even if theres no lolis in GG, I hope he still enjoys it for the plot and hot girls. Xd
… on second thought, I don’t know if there were actually any lolis or not since I’m often too busy to be able to watch much… ^_^;;
I inexplicably had a megatokyo flashback and it’s all your fault
Encounters in Space <3
Last panel cracked me up.
“Oh, and the other joke is the awesome over-the-top intro”
I couldn’t find anything perfect, but imagine something like this playing during the opening crawl.
An alternative would be the Gatchaman Movie opening piece, but that’s firmly in Patrick Macias territory.
Erm…isn’t the word for “mistakes” = “machigai”?
Other than that, this comic made me smirk.
Char’s quote uses “wakasa yue no ayamachi”
Near as I can tell they mean roughly the same thing
Have fun in Japan, hope you don’t become all emo like Koji because the Japanese are racist and hate all non Japanese people. Although I suppose that would give you more art material to work with :)
Wow…Japan eh?
Enjoy your stay.
Damn, the art in this one is good. Rets is looking better than ever. Good job.
I especially like panel two. Try to keep it up.
I heard Gossip Girl (at least season 1) was a good show.
This comic looks really nice. That moe article was pretty shnazy, too.
If angst happens (which it probably will, all things considered) I’ll keep it to myself. At the very most, I’d probably just write some super-private Facebook notes.
Your concern over how good Rets looks worries me just a touch.
Oh, by the way, Wildarmsheero, is Brad going to still be in the comic? Or is this the last we’ll hear of the cranky old fan for awhile? If he is in the comic, how are you going to write him in? (Or most likely, and this meant no insult to you, but have you not planned this far ahead?)
Anyways, good luck in Japan.
Cut it short, this is the longest you’ve wrote in weeks :P
Also, try playing Gundam Senjou no Kizuna while you’re in Japan. It’ll be something to brag about. :P
You need to stop using the same wrds twice when theya are so clsoe together, kinda like “one does not care to acknowledge the mistakes of one’s youth” it is a problem you have never tried to adress from what I can tell.
That is the official translation by AnimEigo of 認めたくないものだな...自分自身の若さ故の過ちというものを...
Also, looking at your post, who are you to lecture me on English when you’re unable to spell simple words?
Bon voyage!
Also, Rets should wear suits more often. Lookin’ real manly there.
Just cause they’re in Japan better not mean the end of Brad!
>>Your concern over how good Rets looks worries me just a touch.
I was speaking from an entirely artistic standpoint.
The faggotry was unintended…
Or was it?!?
No, but seriously. Entirely artistic standpoint.
Tina looks good too.
>>Also, looking at your post, who are you to lecture me on English when you’re unable to spell simple words?
Typos are my way of life thank you very much ;)
and i’m not lecturing you, I noticed how anal you are about your art when most of the time it looks ok so I figured you would kinda like to improve on your writing skills which happens to have some problems here and there , just read again your intro to this comic that’s usually what i do when I write a full paragraph and didn;t noticed using the same word twice.
Something of a constructive comment on your comic…
I think the gag about Rets trying to act “American” in order to look less of an otaku is fine enough, but if you want to emphasise the Gossip Girl gag, wouldn’t it be better to have the DVD cover be seen more prominently, like with a closer side-on mid-body of Rets and Tina with the cover in more detail? Then you don’t have to explain it in the notes!
I nptied that too, though why I didn;t post it in my comment baffles me O_o
The gag was sufficiently obvious enough given what we should already know about Brad and Rets’ relationship. Noticing that it’s Gossip Girls is a bonus.
I’ve never seen it, but given that it’s an extra punchline I’m not sure I want to.
Ha. I just moved to Japan myself. Due to the crowd that I’m working with, I don’t even lend a HINT that I even know what anime is…. or how I know some odd Japanese. (I blame it on evening variety shows)
If you want to be young and hip in Japan wear a bunch of random American T-shirts with random English on them and a bit of Vivienne Westwood and you’ll be fine.
I’m basically the same way. I have like… three volumes of manga in my suitcase, but they’re hidden under all of my clothes. I also regret bringing any anime shirts. They were a waste of space for something I’ll never wear outside of my bedroom.
I don’t really intend on hiding my powerlevel. Heck, I’m thinking of joining my university’s manken.
yay! Good luck with the moving in, looking forward to seeing everyone’s adventures there. :)
lol nice, suppressing power levels is what half the american otaku should do
That piece on moé in Otaku USA was rather biased against moé… as are many of their articles. I wrote a letter to their editor telling them that if they insult their readership like this, they will end up like PiQ Magazine*.
* PiQ Magazine was a “replacement” for NewType USA, published by some Jewish dude who wouldn’t know Japanese culture if it represented itself as Godzilla and trampled his fucking house.
I wrote a scathing letter to them (which got partially published), mentioning that the reason people subscribed to NewType USA in the first place was to find out about Japanese cultural things that aren’t easily found online (because of language barriers). Instead, this guy decides to tell people about American “cultural” stuff (e.g., the Terminator TV show on Fox — yeah, really)… stuff that you can easily find in the latest copy of TV Guide.
PiQ (I like to call it “Pigs in Quicksand”) lasted 4 issues, taking with it the remainder of mine (and others’) NewType USA subscription money. Fuckers.
So that’s what happened to NewType USA. That mag disappeared about the same time I started getting enough spare income to actually subscribe. And I wanted to.
No comic update til you get to Japan? Hrm ok, but no comic for liek three weeks?
What are you on a farking fishing boat?
Pedal faster.
The next comic is made. I’ll post it soon.
www yes indeed. I await your next comic.
Hahahahaha. Gossip Girl? WTF? XD