quick response www
Posted On March 5, 2009
re: anime blogs– once all anime bloggers have either a) become fluent in Japanese and have lived in Japan for a period of time or b) have been fans for 10+ years, then I’ll start taking them seriously. Until then I’ll keep dismissing most anime bloggers as crazy people.
There are no tangible rewards for it. Would an entirely sane person would want to do it?
YAY A BLOG FIGHT! Haven’t had a good one of these since, well, 00 S1.
I’m just falling into Author’s trap because he doesn’t allow commenting
It’s all part of your plan eh wah.
You’re doing it wrong wah. You should chew him out on twitter!
>have been fans for 10+ years
I hope you’re still around 4 years from now.
as an OG pokemon and DBZ fan, i would certainly fall under the second category.
Yeah, as of 2009, me too :d
IKnight is right. :P
I have been been a fan for 14 years(and I’m only 20 years old). I find it funny when someone who has been watching anime for like 2 or 3 years calls themselves experts, but in reality they don’t know jack. That person on that blog sounds crazy
In case anyone has not noticed, let me just note that I am being sarcastic. However, what bothers me about most anime blogs is that most of these writers have no grounding in what they’re talking about. This is fine if you’re a light blogger, but when you’re trying to write serious stuff at least have some grounding in the culture surrounding what you’re writing about.
I’ll expand upon this in a future post. Maybe.
It would be excellent if you did wah.