This is decently cute, even if looks nothing like Henrietta.
It does look much better colored. She still doesn’t look one bit like Henrietta, and the characters kinda look like cardboard cut-outs, but the color scheme is pleasing and the background isn’t boring.
This is decently cute, even if looks nothing like Henrietta.
It does look much better colored. She still doesn’t look one bit like Henrietta, and the characters kinda look like cardboard cut-outs, but the color scheme is pleasing and the background isn’t boring.
damn you colored that fast. As statd before, not a bad picture, but as a GG fanboy, it’s hard to like.
DUDE, can you start uploading the G Gundam OST next? Some amazing stuff on there.
Don’t own the G-Gundam OST. I actually don’t own the show, either. Should fix that one of these days.
by the way I’ll be interested in that haruka comic as soon as Haruka transforms into Nagi.