Comic Site Rant: The House Of Deception

Original Post

Oh god, here’s another comic. I really liked the sketches for this one, but as I continued I started to like it less and less. Looking at it now, I’m pretty indifferent towards it. It could stand to be better, but I don’t hate it. I tried some new things, like correctly sized heads and conventional panel layout, and they work pretty well. The backgrounds are the usual mess of bad mouse painting mixed with pictures I steal from Google images and Tokyo Kid’s official site (which seems to be down at the moment, hm.) I don’t think I’ve made this clear, but I do steal a lot of images when I make comics. I know this is fairly obvious, but I figure I should make it known that I’m not pretending all of Brad’s Hawaiian shirts are my own designs. They’re all stolen. But lots of artists appropriate imagery in similar ways, so I don’t feel too bad. Oh yeah, speaking of stolen images, I’m not going to provide an uncensored version of this comic just so you can see the horrible shota shit Tina is holding. If you really want to see it, hit up Mandarake’s shota section. It’s like the second book there. I didn’t want to hang around too long, that shit is gross.

Another podcast came into existence a day or so ago. It’s me, Omo and Link going on for about fifty minutes about that show everyone has been ripping their manga up over. I’m going to try and do a show with Señor Link again about that Touhou cartoon Maikaze released a while ago. That’ll be neat.

I mentioned last rant that I threw together a little doujinshi on a request from a friend. I got some requests to buy it from some people over the last week, but before we can print anything we need at the minimum thirty requests. We’re not quite there yet. It’s only three bucks, and it’s pretty funny even if you haven’t seen the series in question. So buy! Buy! Buy! We can also do digital copies, but if anything’s going to be printed, we need at least thirty people.

I did my first bit of fanart for 2009, and once again it’s a picture of Chiaki being touched in a bad way. I did this at the beginning of 2008, too. I have no idea why. I’m not even that wild about Chiaki. I mean, she’s cute, but not one of my top 5 lolis or anything. Oh well.

A bunch of cool anime has started, and the coolest is probably Maria+Holic. I don’t want to say too much, as I’m already planning on saying a bunch in a future season review post, but it’s pretty good. It’s not really as crazy as I want it to be, but what can you do? The opening is pretty rad.

Anyway, we’re at the end again. Later.