Comic Site Rant: VOTE!
Posted On November 4, 2008
Wanted to get this one out on Election Day just because. Going to cut the commentary simply because I got a billion other things to do today. I already voted, though. Voted for Obamaramagenkidama. All you readers better vote, too! It’s your civic duty! Or something.
I went to early voting…
Only just a little longer and all this election coverage crap will finally be over! (I’m tired of it)
You seem to have forgotten to add for everybody except Palin:). It’s a real shame McCain chose her. I might have voted for him under other circumstances.
Bob Barr! Bob Barr! Everyone else can go get strangled with a dead fetus.
I “voted” for McCain. You know… ironically. It’s hip.
Totally hope Obama wins it.
Oh god what I have to vote? HELP
Its 8 hours by plane to America, voting ends soon and I haven’t even registered to vote yet. Are non-citizens even allowed to vote?
I don’t think so bro. I don’t know why all states don’t have vote by mail, it makes things so much easier here in the northwest.
I googled the series referenced, it looks relevant to my interests.
I didn’t vote, though I hope Obama wins.
And the comic is weirding me out, because I have a jacket like Rets is wearing, right down to the little German flag on the shoulder. It’s like you burglarised my bedroom closet for inspiration.
I don’t get why the dude was standing behind him.
You mean you can’t recognize Brad’s trademark stubble, cigarette and scowl? I guess I gotta design characters better.
I voted for the first time. I voted for the badass you all should have voted for: GetterMccainRevySuzumiya
But you didn’t
Now the socialists well take my Katana away, I’ll wait in line for hours just for gas, I get MORE TAXES (Can’t wait for that) and who knows what else he well fuck up.
Silly Liberals. Don’t you know Big Governement never works
I get it’s him, I’m wondering why the fuck he’s there.
He’s voting like everyone else :S
You know… people in line… election day… city hall…
He /is/ a maverick, after all.
“Oh god what I have to vote? HELP
Its 8 hours by plane to America, voting ends soon and I haven’t even registered to vote yet. Are non-citizens even allowed to vote?”
What he said.
I didn’t catch on that they were in city hall whatsoever D:
And how is Brad allowed to smoke there?!
He isn’t.
Brad is exceptionally well dressed for voting time.
It’s the only time he ever gets to dress up :(