I’d go for the second one but the tail doesn’t show up well.
Hey! Grats on getting a nod from fakku :D
Admiral Muffin
Yeah congrats too. I was like downloading Prince of the Stars from Fakku when I notice the article about Mistakes of the Youth. I hope their article gets you more readers.
I agree. I also like the last one the best. What’s up with the tiger tail?
Abiru has a tail fetish
I’d go for the second one but the tail doesn’t show up well.
Hey! Grats on getting a nod from fakku :D
Yeah congrats too. I was like downloading Prince of the Stars from Fakku when I notice the article about Mistakes of the Youth. I hope their article gets you more readers.
Their post is getting me something like 10,000 visitors at this point so I hope at least some of them stick around!
You obviously worked hard on the faces, and it shows. Your CG coloring looks great, too.
But fuck, HER FOOT IS SCARY. Try working on your anatomy.
Yeah, your drawings have improved greatly but having drawing characters from the torso and up just showed how you lack the skills to do the rest.