Posted On June 25, 2008
Further proof that Zettai Karen Children is clearly marketed towards lolicons rather than kids.
Further proof that Zettai Karen Children is clearly marketed towards lolicons rather than kids.
what happened to all your talks about how lolicons and pedophiles were totally different?
I said things like that? Weird, because lolicon is just the Japanese word for pedophile, it just has a better ring to it.
That picture was shopped. I know one of those girls have a noticeable mole on the right side of her mouth.
*ahem* Just pointing that out. Not like I know anything about them really…
3D girls are PIG DISGUSTING!
well, you talked about how anime little girls are there to keep us from liking real little girls or something…
I dunno, most people seem to use lolicon in association with pedophilia as they would shounen-ai to yaoi.
The way they sing that OP is full of AWESOMENESS, too, as opposed to the rendition by the seiyuu, which is pretty bland.
we need 2d pics of the adult “Children”
Is it just me, or does the one on the far right have a distinctly crazy look on her face? You know, that crazed ‘I’m gonna kill you’ smile?
bah, too old. GET OUT, GRANDMA-…S. wait a minute, are the girls in that pic the same as the ones in that youtube link in the comments? they seems older in the pic…
Did we really need proof? >.>
Karen Zettai Children was a surprise hit with me this season. I didn’t expect it to be so much fun. Go read the manga. Maybe we’ll get more volumes translated. Besides, they’re absolutely lovely… Their adult forms are pretty damn hot too. A friend was disappointed though, asking why Aoi hadn’t been visited by the breast fairy.
I stopped watching the anime until a later date, though i’d so watch the live action. You so know we’ll see B-movie style special effects.
@mt-i: OMG! Hirano Aya isn’t loli enougth!?
I better stop listening to this OP before it catches on! -_-
>I dunno, most people seem to use lolicon in association with pedophilia as they would shounen-ai to yaoi.
Liking little girls : liking little girls ::
A) bird : nest
B) student : classroom
C) Ryofuko-chan : awesome
D) flamingly gay : flamingly gay
E) me : your mother
lol SAT