Very nice, particularly the prints on the kimonos.
However, it seems to me that this would be improved if Chiri and Kafuka’s eyes weren’t both tiny variations on WAH-eyes. If you look at the reference sheets for anime characters, you’ll see that most have a large close-up of one of the character’s eyes. It’s not just that their hair-styles are different, but the eye-shape is, as well. Indeed, most characters are recognizable from their eyes alone.
I apologize for this — I don’t want to sound like I have delusions that I could do better.
I have a confession to make– Kafka’s kimono is complete copypaste. For Chiri’s I took some traditional kimono images, turned them into Photoshop brushes and went wild.
I see what you mean about the eyes– I tried to render them slightly in my own style, so I guess that’s why they ended up looking the same. I really don’t like how Kafka’s eyes came out, though ;v
Very nice, particularly the prints on the kimonos.
However, it seems to me that this would be improved if Chiri and Kafuka’s eyes weren’t both tiny variations on WAH-eyes. If you look at the reference sheets for anime characters, you’ll see that most have a large close-up of one of the character’s eyes. It’s not just that their hair-styles are different, but the eye-shape is, as well. Indeed, most characters are recognizable from their eyes alone.
I apologize for this — I don’t want to sound like I have delusions that I could do better.
I have a confession to make– Kafka’s kimono is complete copypaste. For Chiri’s I took some traditional kimono images, turned them into Photoshop brushes and went wild.
I see what you mean about the eyes– I tried to render them slightly in my own style, so I guess that’s why they ended up looking the same. I really don’t like how Kafka’s eyes came out, though ;v
Itoshiki’s face is fucking perfect.