Posted On June 10, 2008
I didn’t think it was possible, but it’s happened– Dokuro-chan will be getting a US release. And some people think the US anime industry is dead. I’ll buy this if it’s released on one sexy volume for a decent price. Now if only the second series would hurry up and finish!
Though, it does feel kind of tasteless to announce the acquisition of this show right after some crazy dude slaughtered a bunch of guys in Akiba.
I’ll buy £50 per episode if it comes down to it.
Shit sux
Holy crap… I’m not sure you can respond with much more than that… Sure Higurashi getting englishified was a surprise but this…
Of course this could be the last frantic splashings of a drowning man…
that said, I’d buy it, if it was all on one disc and priced decently. It probably won’t be though. ;p
That is fucking epic. It might be worth it to buy just to see that brief part of the Binkan Salaryman OP. Yes I am that simple. :P
I can’t believe it… it has to be a lie!
The fanbase for something like this is WAY to small to support a release. I loved it, and I will buy it assuing they don’t pull a Bandai and charge 39.99 for two episodes.
Barnes & Noble. Available September 30th 2008.