時間を名乗る天使 by CYMBALS from “Love You”
Seven minutes, twenty-two seconds. Download...
Now that’s entertainment
Cathy has all the stickers on her bag. She spent so much on them that she lost weight because she doesn’t have any money to spend on sweets. I cannot believe it!...
Code Geass is otaku wish fulfillment
When you think about it, Code Geass really isn’t all that different from your run-of-the-mill harem show in what it sets out to do. It tries to cover it up, but at its core, it’s shameless otaku wish fulfillment. For starters, let’s examine Lelouch’s qualities. He’s a lot like...
Meta: Main site layout updated
Well would you look at that May need to ctrl+f5 for things to work...
The 90s were a long time ago, weren’t they?
I’ve mostly gotten over this, but to some degree, my point of reference for things is still the 1990s. For instance, when someone says “10 years ago” my mind might think of the 1980s for a flash, but then it’ll jump back to reality and realize that 10 years...
Comic Site Rant: Nagato, Nagato! Nagato, Nagato!
Original Post Looking back through the archives, I noticed that I hadn’t even so much as touched upon the issue that is Rosario + Vampire. To atone for this grievous sin, here is a comic which more or less sums up my feelings on the upcoming sequel. I have...
My Brave Face this is the meaning of your life, and this is the meaning of your smile~...
So guys, I finally got Perfect Dark to work
I installed Perfect Dark a while ago, and was instantly turned off when I found I couldn’t read a thing given the font size was entirely too small. Absolutely disgusted, I immediately parted ways with the program and went back to using Share. Recent news prompted me to brush...
The Most Dangerous Video Ever Made
Since I actually know how to find The Important Things on Nico Nico now, I’ll probably be posting shit from there a lot when I have nothing else to do. That said, I did not find the video I’m about to post– it was brought to my attention by...
More Crazy Anime Dreams: Devilman + Great Mazinger!
This dream wasn’t as crazy as the last one, but it was All Go Nagai, All The Time so it’s probably worth mentioning, especially considering Everything I Learned About Go Nagai I Leared Off Wikipedia And I Guess The Devilman Manga. So basically, this dream was my own wacky...