The 90s were a long time ago, weren’t they?
I’ve mostly gotten over this, but to some degree, my point of reference for things is still the 1990s. For instance, when someone says “10 years ago” my mind might think of the 1980s for a flash, but then it’ll jump back to reality and realize that 10 years ago was actually 1998… am I getting old?
Zettai Karen Children, with its so-90s-it-could-kill-a-man art style really rubs it in my face that I will be all of 20 years old in a month. Yes, 20 years old isn’t that old, but considering shows that look like this were made something like 20 years ago, I just can’t help but feel like an old fart already. I got into anime in 1999, near the turn of the century, but given what I had available to me, lots of what I watched came from the early to mid 90s. Zettai Karen Children does a good job in reminding me of those days when I was 11 years old and browsing sites like this (I can’t believe that’s still online.)
I can understand shows like Pokemon retaining their 90s aesthetic since it’d be weird to just change the art style, but something totally new like Zettai Karen Children having 90s art is just MEAN.
Mean? More like glorious. Enough shows look too shiny these days. As strange as it is to say, I prefer the 90s look at times. Even the hair…
I always feel like the nineties just happened, and then I have to remember that it’s been eight years already. The nineties were a good time for anime, though. We just need more ultra-violent OVA’s to bring the good times back.
Oh lord, the era of Tripod/Angelfire/Geocities pages…
My second year of high school all over again… my discovery of the internets…
Since our home computer was DOS (!), I went to the “internet lunch hour” my school offered every other day. Sweet mercy the crappy stuff I printed (cuz no flash drive, and the DOS machine couldn’t handle anything anyway) I can’t believe.
…Sorry, got nostalgic. Your fault, man, for writing stuff I can relate to. :P
man this thing is colored just like excel saga only not as good
New getter Robo did a pretty good job at the “Ultra violent ova” role, too bad it was made in 2006 or something.
Ha, I remember that damn Brock site. Poor kids of today, with their first animus being some fairy nonsense against mine of say, a confusing mix of Ninja Scroll, Angel of Darkness 2 and Pokemon.
Oh, pish. Lots of good good fairy nonsense in the 90s too, some of my favourites. My first trap was in Here Is Greenwood. (0’s art *can* be good, but still, that hair…
Great…turning 20 in October…a few more months than you to expirience this foolish age called “#-teen”.
I wanna distance myself from the rest of American teens now. kthnxbai.
Heh, I remember looking for bubblegum crisis hentai and I first found out about Evangelion in those days. I’m feeling old now! I love the art in Zettai Karen Children, and i really dig the show. It just does it for me, its not as zany and weird as Kyouran, not as pedo as Kodomo no Jikan, or as just interesting as Kure-nai, but its just plain fun for me. I have come to respect your taste in most things, but this time I disagree. I enjoy this retro art. That said, I’ve noticed that poor Murasaki has made it onto the big rule 34 site. Your time of salivation is nigh.
Hay hay hay. Nothing wrong with ZKC’s art. I just said it’s mean because it makes me feel old.
Wait, I’m older than you and I’ve been into anime longer than you and you’ve still managed to watch MORE shows than I have.
I hate you.
There there Koji, its ok. Come back to your rocking chair and have some metamucil. Here’s a nice warm blanket too.
I’m not that old. I just turned 21 last month. ORZ
Koji Oe half of what I’ve watched are short OVAs and movies :v
Silly wildarms, if I followed your logic here I would be ancient because my first animu was the good, old Mazinger Z.
I recognize the name of the artist who runs that Brock site. Considering what I know that person for now, I’m praying that they’re not the same. is her site now