Just because Porter Square is filled with Japanese people doesn’t mean you should dress up as Naruto characters and walk around the exchange mall
Seriously, what the fuck? I don’t even see cosplayers in Tokyo Kid past the odd Naruto headband, so why the fuck are they parading through this small Japanese shopping center? Last week I saw two Naruto guys, both clad in leather, too many belts, and one had horribly dyed green hair. Just today, when I was down there to get a hot plate of curry along with some mochi ice cream I saw some guy dressed as Athrun just walking around with his friends, one of whom was wearing a cape and was probably cosplaying as some character I don’t know.
I mean… c’mon. Do they think just because it’s a Japanese shopping center they’re allowed to dress up as anime characters and just sit down at Kotobukiya for some sushi? I mean, I try my best to just not even wear anime shirts around there…
comic regarding this hilarity is written but may or may not become a reality
Do the comic. I know just the kind of fags you’re talking about. Hell, we all do. Whenever I go to an Asian market or something like that, I at least try my best not to be a douchebag…
Yeah, folks. The only times cosplay is acceptible is a) during a launch event or release, b) during a trip to Akihabera, and even there you should limit it to very special circumstances c) during some sort of convention, d) on Halloween, e) or in at a costume party. I mean I respect cosplayers, and me calling other people nerds is extremely hypocritical, but there is a time and place for cosplay. Just because some is Japanese doesn’t mean you should run up to them and scream “OMG KAWWAI MOE.” Hell, they probably still think anime is kids stuff. So show some fucking sense and some fucking class. Open up on them Wildarms
However, when it comes to wearing anime shirts, I typically wear them in any situation. Of course, I’m proud of my fandoms, and have no shame wearing a FLCL (or Star Wars or Gaming Shirt) anywhere, be it school or card shop.
Random cosplaying is just.. yeah. save it for the cons >.>
I’ve just had a similar experience in DC during the sakura matsuri. While I understand kimonos and the like for japanese attire I do not understand cosplaying during it. Seriously this is just a sample of what I saw:
A dad as Naruto with son as Sasuke.
One 30-40 year old as Mikuru in her maid outfit.
Half a dozen Akatsuki cloaks running around.
Scattered lolida goth groups.
Like some of you have stated, cosplay has everything to do with anime conventions. BUT NOT AT FESTIVALS FOR JAPANESE CULTURE! I went there to check out the taiko drums and grab some awesome food, not to nab the latest dvd or plushie of a new series.
Some people think the whole life of an average Japanese centers around anime and manga. I know some people who think Gunslinger Girl had the same impact as a Super Bowl Match so no wonder those mentioned things happen.
It’s like reducing the whole Japanese culture to anime and manga which must be quite discriminating for a Japanese.
I’ve heard that actually manga gets read more than anime gets watched in Japan. Of course Naruto is kids stuff. Now, Miyazaki stuff might be more understandable for fanhood than your average shonen crap. btw, Kurenai ep 2 should satisfy your loli needs wildarms.
Thats cause they plan this shit in advance. I’ve seen it on the anime next forums. They start threads like “who wants to gather for a cosplay lunch at xxxx Mall?? (1,2..)” ^^;
I honestly don’t see what the problem is here.
i’ve been going to porter exchange for years and have never seen anyone wearing anime t-shirts let alone people in cosplay. and who appointed you the arbiter of what someone is allowed to wear in various venues? would, say, japanese tourists dressed up as uncle sam wandering around the washington monument strike you as disrespectful?
all i know is that my students from japan are thrilled to find that americans are interested their country and culture let alone know some japanese.
you need to take a deep breath and be a bit less judgmental. go look at the pretty things at tokai.
>>would, say, japanese tourists dressed up as uncle sam wandering around the washington monument strike you as disrespectful?
Yes. I’d want to punch them in the face. That’s just a silly thing to do.
It’s a matter of good taste. Would you walk around in cosplay normally at all? Does the fact that it’s a JP shopping center make it any less tacky? No. Maybe if it was like… at the very least an anime store… or a con.
>>>all i know is that my students from japan are thrilled to find that americans are interested their country and culture let alone know some japanese.
And that’s all well and good. I myself am in that position as I am currently wanting to visit japan in the future, so I’m taking japanese at my school. However, what we are taking about here is cosplaying when it has no place or point. On the street you would look at a person funny if they were dressed in a halloween costume outside of halloween or a costume party right? The point is, I having nothing against cosplayers, I do it myself from time to time. I’m just upset at the people who think that cosplay represents japanese culture as a whole instead of the japanese anime industry. I would think it would be disrespectful to think that japan is only known by its anime. A better outlet to show japan’s culture would be to dress up in a kimono or the like in my opinion.