Ge, ge, ge-ge-ge no geeee
Posted On October 7, 2007
Bought at Kotobukiya, a little Japanese market down in Porter Square. The Nezumi Otoko one was pretty bad. The little English label claimed it was orange juice, but it tasted like grapefruit juice, and a I fucking hate grapefruit juice. Oh well, they’re nice cans.
In Japanese it says “mikan and hassaku juice”. Mikan generally to refers to what in English are called Mandarin oranges. Hassaku oranges are another variety, and kind of bitter; that’s probably why it tasted like grapefruit to you.
More than that, though, I’m intrigued by the fact the can is labelled “Rat Man Drink” (the big yellow letters in the middle). O_o
Well, he is nezumi otoko. And that is his drink. So, you know.
WHOA. I want those.