Comic Site Rant: hoshi no pendanto
I bitched about Aoi House a long while back. I think I complained about how it was unrealistic portrayal of anime fans, or some shit like that. Well, I am a fucking hypocrite. I mean, at first Tina looked kinda dumpy, which would be normal for any anime fan. Now look at her. My logic was, if she’s wish-fulfillment, I might as well fulfill some wishes. So after a while I started dolling her up. Played with various looks and styles, until she became the ultimate moe-machine, at least in my eyes. Of course, I have many different kinds of ideas of moe (most of which involve girls being under the age of 13…) Tina’s look appeals to the moe in me that likes girls like Mikuru (or maybe I’m just getting thrown off by the chest) and her personality is very much one of a girl who I would like to have by my side. Well, I guess she could stand to have more of Konata-ness to her. This however depresses me. My shameless wish-fulfillment robs me of any artistic integrity I may have had. It’s shameless, and I hate myself for it. Despite that though, the penis wins this battle, and I’ll continue to make Tina as unrealistic as possible! Huzzah! Actually, please share with me your thoughts on my shameless wish-fulfillment in the comments section. I’d like to hear what you guys think.
Now to the actual comic. I think everything came out pretty well. I had hard time nailing the Zetsubou Sensei style, but I got it in the end. I hope my utter copying of the screencaps counts as fair use, since they’re in the context of a parody.
There is a new podcast. It’s Otakon chatter, which I finally got around to editing. I’m not as good as Patrick Macias when it comes to this kind of thing, but I think it turned out pretty good. This is the final podcast of SEASON 1. The reason I’m closing this one off is because while there are good episodes, it’s kind of a low qualtiy production all around. It was a good way for me to learn the ropes of podcasting, and I hope to apply those lessons in the new podcast, Mistakes of Youth: BEYOND THE TIME. Look out for it~
I would write more, but I don’t fucking feel like it. As you can tell from the lack of updates on the blog, school has been kicking my fucking ass. I’m going to try to see if I can drop one class to make it kick my ass less. Three studio classes are just too much…
Anyway, until next time~
“original post” and “I am a hypocrite” links are both broken.
wait for them to be uploaded jackass
what what!! You’re just too slow!
Before I read your post I looked at the first panel and I was all “Jesus. You aren’t holding back with making Tina all moé and shit.”
And then you mention it.
But yeah. She’s pretty moé.
Realism isn’t that great. Isn’t that why we love 2D chicks so much?
I like the way your dolling Tina ^^
This one looks so innoncent but hot haha. Very nice.
And as MegaVolt said, that’s why we love 2D girls :)
Meh Tina gets cuter-a lot of girls do in later life I’ve found. (To my cost) It’s at least kinda realistic. Rets too has gone from a few similarities to Brad to Brad the 2nd.
As for the school thing-never be afraid to take a step back in order to go forward. I have and am enjoying working with cadavers more than pontificating about the “real meaning” behind Bo-bo bo bobobo. (Hint: THERE ISN’T ONE! IT’S JUST STUPID SHIT FOR FUN AAAAAARRRGH! SOCIAL SCIENCE PROFESSORS SUCK ASS!)
I liked the punchline, I liked it a lot. But I don’t think too highly of dolling up Tina, a good character is one that evolves beyond the author and starts to behave like a real person, with its own personality and likes.
Still, so moe I could die…
Honestly, I’d just draw Tina as feels right to you. Isn’t ALL art “wish fulfillment,” to some degree? Stephen King writes scary stories because he likes scary stories. And Michaelangelo, well, apparently he liked sneaking buff naked guys into his pictures, and who’s gonna complain? I think you have to be true to your own creative impulses. Odds are pretty good your target audience likes and wants the same things you do.
Don’t feel so bad about. When I go to cons, there are often plenty of hot ass girl otaku. However, they are always a) Narutards, b) trying to get be to have gay sex with another guy, c) have a boyfriend, or d) all of the above.
Just so you know the be in part b) was supposed to “me”.
Tina’s moe-ness doesn’t bother me since I don’t really pay attention to her. I don’t like her character design all that much – actually, I thought she was more attractive in that first appearance of her. Big boobs and revealing clothes just aren’t my thing – I like gals with style. I’m probably not your target audience anyway, though, so my opinion is null.
also, you did an awesome job with the zetsubou-sensei parody.
You already know what i call her — Miss. Moe~
The change made me go “WTF?!” a little bit. She doesn’t look nearly as clever as before, but if it’s what you want~
Wish-fulfillment-tan is looking good. She is so moe that you indeed have been going to moe school~ You already heard my bit about it the other day anyhow.
Tina’s increased moe-ness in the previous strips was okay with me, but this one, imho, looks a bit over-the-top. I think every girl knows she must be cautious with the percentage of frills in her outfit, no matter how geeky she is. :D
LOL podcast. I sound so different from how I imagined. D:
@ k. : There’s an optimum percentage of frills in a girl’s outfit?
@ Magusman: There is if you do not wish to look like an XIXth century cabbage. But then again, I guess it has to be some people’s kink.
* a XIXth century cabbage
Wanna scan those Nagi doujins yourself and share the love?
Obviously you’re not using Share well enough!
I’m using it as well as I can! D:
I haven’t checked in a little while though. Maybe they put up some more.
Wow, great job on the Sayonara sad sensei style
I laughed at the Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei joke. x3 On Tina’s moe-ness… I’m a huge fan of moe, so I’m probably biased, but I don’t mind the wish-fulfillment in the least bit. x3
Jesus. Just listened to the podcast. I wasn’t listening closely enough to recognize who was who, but I need to avoid whoever kept making the “Your Mom” jokes if I go next year :P
oh, haha. No way
I wouldn’t worry too much about modifying a wish-fulfillment character. In a way, by refining her look, you are being true to your artistic vision.
It’s also a time-honored tradition to introduce a range of female characters to satisfy your readership’s widely differing preferences. :3
I was introduced to MoY yesterday by people in my IRC channel who put forth the theory that in some Fight Club-esque way, you and I are, in fact, the same person. And I draw this comic in my ‘sleep’. I laughed, but considering some of the jokes (especially the Zetsubou-sensei parody, which I myself have been wanting to do), I’m starting to entertain the possibility. Great comic, keep it up.
Oh, and… SIEG ZEON! ,o/
Thank you very much. Glad you like it o/