Nagi T-shirt
Posted On August 23, 2007
My Nagi t-shirt came in today. Nippon Export said four weeks, but I reckon it took just under two to get here. I bought it online because I figured it’d be cheaper than buying it from Sasuga at Otakon ($45), however I ended up paying $50…
It still looks very nice, though. I’ll wear it around the campus and see what kind of looks I get.
Also, Nippon Export rules at shipping.
I honestly hope this isn’t how they go about shipping their figures.
Anyway, off to have lunch and watch a bunch of anime that I didn’t watch yesterday due to me updating the site, or me being stuck in scenic Arlington Virginia for about three hours…
oi. Ai, I feel mildly stupid, living in Virginia but not being sure where Arlington is >_>
Anyway, that shirt is niiiiiceeeee
oh nice t-shirt… i would love to have nayuki (yeah im a nayuki lover) but omg nagi there is soo hawt
Hi, this is Peter Payne from J-List. Sorry for contacting you this way, but I’d like to ask the webmaster to email me at peterpayne, domain name
nice T-shirt
Why do I want that shirt now… *sigh*