WiP: Nagi sex [NSFW]
Posted On July 4, 2007
NSFW after the jump.
Could probably be cropped a little, but I like how it’s turning out.
NSFW after the jump.
Could probably be cropped a little, but I like how it’s turning out.
Looking hot, though would have been hotter if it was Hinagiku. :3
much as i love nagi, there is simply too much dude in this pic. I don’t want dudes on my porn >:O
The point is to pretend you are the dude.
Fapping 101
Instructor – Wildarmsheero
nonono. i know you want to pretend your the dude, but that’s annoying. I don’t need to see no ugly cock interrupting my view of the hot chick. Instead, adding another hot chick into the picture would be great :)