Children Are Precious
Posted On June 19, 2007
Children are precious. They are our future. We must love and respect them. We must guard their purity.
So clearly we must lust after them like the dirty perverts we are.
Children are precious. They are our future. We must love and respect them. We must guard their purity.
So clearly we must lust after them like the dirty perverts we are.
Amen and hallelujah.
Praise be to loving out children. In the butt.
Wow, you guys are just so amusing. And so courageous too! Gosh…
Sakura-tan~ I love you Sakura-tan~
If courage is using your real name on everything you do on the internet… then I’m never going to get hired after being Googled at this point anyway. Haha.
Come on, Ojisan, you like Sakura-chan too! ADMIT IT! AND SHANA! AND…
Really, lately, all I can think about is a hot threeway with Revy and Balalaika.
Is that wrong? >.> Some people would consider it to be more wrong than having the hots for Sakura.
All I can say in response to this is:
Damn Skippy.
Of course I love Sakura-chan, Randall – and Miu too, and Hazuki…OK, if this is all about 2-D characters, then my bad.
Revy & Balalaika, eh?
i’m prefectly fine with this as well!
Every time I see that line I think
“Children are Delicious”
I don’t know why D:
Interesting progression of logic there~
And I can’t tell whether or not you’re being serious. But that’s not really the point, is it? :P
just got my Nanoha visual collection :)
Children are precious.
You know what I love about pedos? You only have to protect your children from them til they’re 18. Then they’re too ‘old’.