Comic Site Rant: Words can’t even begin to describe how I feel at this moment
I would so write something if I wasn’t sick of everything right now. I’ve literally been working since I’ve woke up and I’ve properly gone mad. Making this comic did calm me down a little, though. I’ve made Tina extra moe in this. Twin tails, pink hair ribbons and nail paint? MOE RIGHT. MOE. I drew up some different hair styles for her, which I am thinking of alternating between comics. Should be fun. This comic is actually funnier without the text, I find. Well, without Rets’ and Tina’s lines. Their expressions are enough. But yeah, this one is a bit of a cop out. Just one proper drawing. I’ll try to churn out something by next week, but the schedule’s looking tight…
…and I still haven’t watched Kanon 24 subbed yet. Seen it raw, though.
Related quote: “I’m surpised people are dumb enough to listen to bands like Maximum the Hormone” — TheGreatSG
And I stand by what I say to! This band is a combo of some of the worst shit that plagues rock music in America today, so naturally when Japan does it, it just comes off looking stupid as hell, and yet i’m baffled by all the weeaboos on youtube comments for their videos posted there. Christ Desu…
After seeing one of their videos (SG’s fault), All I had to say was “CLAWING MY EYES OUT”. Still, most of it was just noise anyway.
Please, i’d rather listen to real Noise bands like Merzbrow than Maximum the Hormone. Seriously, the whole band looks like some stuck Claudio Sanchez of Coheed and Cambria, Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, some random manly looking female drummer, and Linkin Park and threw them in a blender with wasabi sauce.
Course the video for “What’s Up People?!’ has the four steps to being FUCKING HARDCORE ROCKZ
Step 1: Play instruments half assed (cause power cords and tin can drums are the shit!)
Step 2: Flail around like chickens with cut off heads
Step 3: SCREAM AND GROWL! RGHHHGHHHHHAHAAAAAAA! (mix in stupid babbling as well, cause people love it when System of a Down does it)
Step 4: Repeat numerously and repetitively
Seriously, hardcore punk-revival is bad enough over here, but it’s worse when Japan does it. Seriously, this is really the biggest LOL JAPAN! band i’ve seen in a long time. I’d rather listen to bad visuel kei music like Velvet Eden or Ayabie over this crap.
I’d rather listen to Velvet Eden as well, mostly cause that name is awesome :p.