It is completed!
After years of difficult fighting up on the eroge front, I’ve finally completed Really? Really! I played it continuously for a while, then the month long winter break at home destroyed my flow. After that, I played it on and off. School work (among other things) piled up and I just couldn’t get to it. Only now, after watching Kaede’s final summary episode in Shuffle! Memories did feel compelled to complete the quest (needed some happy Kaede to balance out crazy face-cutting Keade.) I can’t really say anything about it, because I understood a good 5%. The porn was good, I can tell you that!
Now to never touch it again until my Japanese comprehension improves or a translation patch surfaces! Well, actually, I’ll certainly revisit it for the H-scene viewer…
I swear to god there will be a comic next week…
niiiiceee look at batou he looks so young! and king bradley over there, and shinji!! awww shinjiii
Do you usually play your games without any translators? ( like AGTH) Cause I find using them usually sufficient enough. =P
Woops. I meant AGTH (text hooker) + Atlas (translator).
Yeah, I just clicked through it not knowing what was going on. I just wanted the porn, anyway. Once my Japperknees gets better I’ll play it again.
You really should use AGTH+ Atlas
AGTH basically copies the text from the textbox and then sends it to Atlas, which automatically translates it.
It is really effective. Give it a try!
It helps you learn Japanese too.
I’m already learning Japanese the real way, so, whatever. Thanks though.