FUNimation picks up Shuffle! (and other unimportant titles)
Posted On January 25, 2007
So FUNimation is doing this 2007 kick off thing where they announce a new acquisition everyday of this week. So far they’ve only picked up stupid crap I don’t care about, but today they picked up Shuffle! among other things. To be totally honest, I am surprised, as I never expected it to get licensed. At all. Ah well, I’m happy. I’ll get to buy it now \o/
…now someone work on getting Air and Kanon :)
In other news, the first Haruhi DVD has a release date of May 29th. SO FAR AWAY. Infos are at the usual place.
Bah, where’s our UKSOS Brigade website? I hate buying US DVDs.
Watching Suffer! Memories is kind of weird. So much Kaede bunny boilerness in one episode…
You’re probably going to have to wait another 10 years before Haruhi hits the UK :V
I don’t know but I always thought that Shuffle! looked like it COULD get licensed. But I never expected it to get licensed so fast (but I don’t know what fast is).